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Lynnhaven River Dredging
By James R Boyles
Posted: 2024-11-22T14:54:35Z

Notice Content

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of Virginia Beach Public Works (VMRC #2023-2820) is requesting a permit from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to mechanically maintenance dredge on an as-necessary basis a maximum of 34,000 cubic yards of state-owned submerged lands to achieve and maintain a maximum depth of -6 feet mean low water within the Western Branch Lynnhaven River in Virginia Beach. Dredged spoils will be offloaded at either the Thalia Creek or Crab Creek Transfer Facilities and will be truck-hauled to the Whitehurst Dredge Material Management Area or Lilley Pit in the City of Virginia Beach. You may provide comments on this application (VMRC #2023-2820) at We will accept comments by the USPS provided they are received within 15 days of this notice to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 380 Fenwick Road, Bldg. 96, Hampton, VA 23651. 10/07/24 7707050