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Educating Civic Organizations About City Government Since 1959

Mission Statement

  1. To create a forum whereby the Civic Organizations throughout the city can work together to educate, inform, and empower civic leaders, support and assist member organizations, and advocate for stronger neighborhoods.
  2. To help organize neighborhood Civic Organizations, and to support the activities of member organizations when requested.
  3. To develop and approve Resolutions on matters of city-wide interest that represent the position and/or recommendation of the VBCCO.
  4. To unite Virginia Beach neighborhoods for the common good.
  5. To study and discuss important issues and problems that affect our communities and to work toward mutually agreeable solutions.
  6. To provide a forum for the discussion and debate of current topics and to provide educational programs that will enable member organizations to better serve their residents.

Join Us

Is your Civic Organization a member of the VBCCO? If not, why not? Join us in making our neighborhoods have a bigger voice in City Government.

Click the Button below to have your Civic Organization join!

 Join Us

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What's In It For Me?


COMMUNICATIONAuthentic Communication

Inclusive civic engagement to address critical issues and create stronger connections among residents, businesses and nonprofit and government leaders.   Credible, civic-minded sources of information
presented in a way that residents can use

 - Information resource

  Raise awareness of matters affecting the community
and steps to influence the outcome.

  Educate neighbors on City and neighborhood issues.

  Educate residents on how to identify community needs and access City services.

COLLABORATION - Networking and Socializing 

  Provide a framework in which to work together in
prevention of crime and to improve the quality of life.

  Facilitate community volunteer programs.
opportunity to meet new people,
make friends, and strengthen community bonds.

 - Represent the community wishes

  Communicate recommendations, suggestions,
and/or modifications to City Council to improve the
quality of life in the community.

  Giving Citizens a "Seat at the Table".

Attend meetings and public hearings and report to members.

VBCCO Calendar

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events


The Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations (VBCCO) needs volunteers. Please consider donating an hour of two per month of your time to help us in our mission to educate taxpaying citizens who live in established, suburban neighborhoods about City Government. 

The time you give can go a long way towards helping make your fellow citizens aware of how City Government works...and what to do when it doesn't. Click the button below for current volunteer opportunities or email us at:

Volunteering Opportunities


VBCCO News Blog

Recent Blogs
Recent Blogs

Committees Needing Volunteers

  • Best Practices
  • Chair, Bill Filbert
  • Community Affairs
  • Chair, Ralph Saunders
  • Events & Programs
  • Chair, Kathie McGrattan
  • Marketing, Website and Email Blasts
  • Chair, Rick Boyles
  • Membership
  • Chair, Andrea Lindemann and Chair, Rick Manolio
  • Bylaws Review
  • Chair, Bill Filbert
  • Annual Review
  • Chair, Bill Filbert
  • Volunteers
    • Chair, Kelly Jackson

New Member

City Public Notice Blog

Recent Blogs
Recent Blogs

About Us



President, James R. "Rick" Boyles

1st Vice-President, Andrea Lindemann

2nd Vice-president, Rick Manolio

Treasurer, Ken Johnson

Secretary, Donna Sandloop



Bill Filbert, Director

Ralph Saunders, Director

Kelly Jackson, Director

Al Wallace, Director

Contact Us



Phone: Call the President! 757-589-4893

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